Disaster to Influence Indonesia's Tuna and Shrimp Exports
However he admitted that up till now the exports of the two commodities was not yet showing a significant decrease. Besides, he added, Indonesia still had other export destinations such as European Union, the United States and China.
Earlier, several importers from Japan were reportedly asked fish exporters in North Sumatra to suspend the shipment of tuna and shrimps after the powerful earthquake and tsunami hit Japan.
"Japanese importers have asked Indonesian fish exporters to suspend shipping in April 2011 due to the natural disasters that hit their country," official from North Sumatra's Trade Office Fitra Kurnia said.
Meanwhile, East Java's Chairman of the Association of Entrepreneurs in Fisheries Processing and Marketing (APSI) Johan Suryadharma expressed concern that the Indonesia's shrimp export to Japan might experience a decrease after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
"Up till now the condition in Japan is still uncertain. But we kept trying to contact our clients such as those from the shipping lines business which have been serving the shipment of our commodities to Japan," he said.
According to Johan, the predicted decrease might happen to the number of shrimp and fish exports, but the demand of the products remained unchanged.
Source : http://english.kompas.com/read/2011/03/17/13563262/Disaster.to.Influence.Indonesias.Tuna.and.Shrimp.Exports
Source: http://www.ketahuilah.com/2011/03/disaster-to-influence-indonesias-tuna.html
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